After much thought, I have finally decided to jump in & follow AO Yr 1
I love so many of Charlotte Mason's ideas & have implemented them into our homeschool, such as nature study, artist study, & so forth. But, i want to follow the wonderful booklist on AO, so here goes!
I am going to begin reading The Original Homeschooling Series
by Charlotte Mason slowly, thoughtfully & purposefully. The books have just arrived, so will make a start at the weekend.
I have set up a new notebook for myself (oh, how I love to do that!)
My notebook has the following sections:
Schedules & goals
Circle Time
Habbit Training
Nature Study
Art & Handcrafts
Music (Folksongs & Hymns)
Artist Study
Composer Study
Legal (homeschooling regs, etc)
Each section has relevant notes filed away there.
I have joined lots of yahoo groups, which offer wonderful support & lots of resources.
Here are the groups I am a member of:
Amble Ramble
AmbleSide Year1
Ambleside Online
AO Member Schedules
AO Art Prints
AO Narration
CharlotteMason UK
Our First Week's Schedule:
All of the books have not yet arrived. hopefully they will have by the weekend, although I know Aesops Fables wont be here, as it is coming from & they take a while.
Here is what I have planned out so far:
1)Two Blind Men--Matt. 20:30-34
2)Zacchaeus--Luke 19:1-10
3)Parable of Pounds—Luke 19:11-27
4)Moneychangers--Matt. 21:12-16
5)The Fig-Tree--Matt. 21:17-22
6)Authority Challenged--Mat 21:23-27
7)Parable of Two Sons--Matt 21:28-32
First time obedience
Circle Time:
We use the ACTS Acrostic for Prayer:
Adoration - Spend time praising the Lord and adoring Him for who he is (Matt. 6:9). Use Scripture to praise Him (see Pss. 103, 145, 150; Rev. 4:8; 5:12-14). Love and cherish His presence and allow Him to work in and through your life (see Matt. 22:32-34). Be still before Him and enjoy His presence (see Ps. 46:10). Use this time to allow God to speak to you through His Word and Spirit (see Pss. 40:1-3; 90:12-17). Praise the Lord by praying scripture or hymns back to Him (see Ps. 84; Rev. 4:8; 5:9-10, 12-13 and "Great is Thy Faithfulness").
Confession - Confession should be a part of your continual walk with Christ (see Matt. 6:9-13). Spend time asking Christ to search your heart for areas that displease Him (see Ps. 139:23-24). Allow God to cleanse your heart of any unconfessed sin (see Ps. 51:10-13). Be sure to spend time confessing and repenting of (turning away from) specific sins (see 1 John 1:9). Accept His forgiveness and cleansing (see Jer. 31:34).
Thanksgiving - Giving thanks for all things should be a part of our everyday lives as God's people (see Phil. 4:6-7). This includes thanking God for specific things such as blessings, people, open doors, guidance, etc. Also give thanks for His salvation and the privilege to serve such a wonderful Savior. Thank Him for his goodness, loving-kindness, and faithfulness (see Ps. 100:4-6).
Supplication - We are called as believers to intercessory prayer (see Matt. 6:9-13; Luke 18:1; Col. 4:2; 1 Tim. 2:1-4). Thus, we are to come before God on behalf of others (see Heb. 10:19-25; Rev. 1:4-6). Spend time praying for specific people, events, states, countries, missionaries, etc. (see Acts 12:5; Rom. 10:1). In addition, spend time praying for personal needs (see Matt. 6:11-13). Make prayer lists for your time of supplication. Be sure to include a place for answers to be recorded. Recorded answers can become items for praise and thanksgiving.
Scripture memorisation Eph 2:8-9 : For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:Not of works, lest any man should boast.
Read a daily devotion from Everything a Child Should Know About God
Hymn: (our favourite) This Is My Father's World
R's learning poster this week, 'F' & '4'
Dolch Words: we recap our previously learned sight words & add 3 more.
Recite: 'Whole Duty of Children' R.L. Stevenson
penmanship: 'Whole Duty of Children' R.L. Stevenson ~ 1 sentence per day. I use this Denelian worksheet maker
phonics: Begin box 2 Bob Books
math: 2 pages per day from Kumon Easy Telling Time
Read Clocks & more clocks
Using our Hundred Board, count 1-100, 10-1, skip count to 100 by 10's
Play number games
french: 10 mins max per day:
Hello! My name is... ~ Bonjour! Je m'appelle...
What is your name? Comment t'appelles-tu?
How are you? Ça va ?/ Comment ça va ? (formal, plural)
I'm doing well, thank you Ça va bien, merci
Goodbye! Au revoir!
nature study: Continue to make daily observations in our journals. Friday is devoted to nature study, so we will do some more intensive Autumn Study
art: I plan to leave this one to my creative little girlies to come up with :)
music: This is my Father's world & Soldier Soldier Wont You Marry Me?
handicrafts: A simple version of this felt bookmark
Artist Study: Continuing our look at clouds in art.
Composer Study Continuing with Bach
Our AO reading list:
An Island Story: chapter 1 "The Stories of Albion and Brutus"
Fifty Famous Stories Retold: "The Sword of Damocles" (Greek)
Parables from Nature: "A Lesson of Faith"
Aesop's Fables: "The Wolf and the Kid" (pg. 7 in the Milo Winter version) and "Tortoise and the Ducks" (pg. 8 in the Milo Winter version)
Just So Stories: "Whale"
A Child's Garden of Verses: a poem every day
Paddle to the Sea: chapter 1
A key component of Charlotte Mason’s method is narration. In simple terms, narration is telling back in your own words what you just read or heard. It’s a wonderful evaluation tool that requires much thinking and assimilating on the student’s part. Narration can be done in many ways; here is a list of suggestions.
The narration Dice
This is such a wonderful idea!!!!
Read an explanation here
A template to make one.
See a really sweet one here.
This looks wonderful! Oooh, I can't wait until my little guy is ready for year 1. I'll be referring back to this post for ideas. :)
You are definitely organised and sorted!!! It took me ages to get to that stage and in fact I never really did!!!
You are all ready and raring to go!
Have a lovely journey! And looks like I will be back to planning yet again!
This looks very much what we do!
You're more of a planner than me - you can see our schedule here:
I'm afraid that I do very little preplanning :(
I'd love to see your list of English folk songs - we hope to do about 9 next year (3/term) - any suggestions welcome!
I hope you're feeling better today. We're enjoying a sunny Melbourne Cup holiday!!
Have fun with AO.
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