Each wednesday, I sit down in the evening, & begin to make plans for the next week. I have this list printed off in my notebook to jog my memory, & remind me what I need to be thinking about. Looking at it all here, it looks such a lot to think about & do. Firstly, we by no means achieve it all! & secondly, some of the things, such as planning circle time, are not done each week. (Circle time stays the same for approximately 6 weeks)
So, here is my list of what I do to plan out our week. It is a good plan, it keeps me focused & is flexible :)
Of note;
check calender, places to go, festivals, seasonal changes, special days
ant field trip opps?
Tidy school buckets
Re-fill quiet time buckets
Collect all books to return
List books to look for/order/collect
List music to look for/order/collect
Nature Table
Circle Time
Scripture/Poem/Facts/Hymn/Memory Work/Dolch Words
R's Learning
Chose workbook/sheets
Letter/number/shape for learning poster
Print out template for letter of the week
Plan ‘lapbook page’ for the week
print all relevant pages to go in Rosie’s book
Chose a character trait for the week (tie in with letter of the week)
mark in Bible & find story in Rosie’s story Bible
Check ‘1001 ways to introduce your child to the Bible’ & internet for related activities, songs, etc
Book of the Week
Choose weekly book
Plan daily activities to go with book of the week
Review goals sheets
-List daily readings
-survey my primary liturgical idea books - whether it be teaching ideas for the readings, or activities for an upcoming feast day.
-Make photocopies / printouts for the week ahead.
-check favorite online sources
-pull together a general plan for the week:
-What will we read?
-What will we do?
-What theme(s) will shape our week?
-Plan Faith-at-Home tea
Language Arts
Review goals sheets
Read alouds:
Choose chapter book
choose other books to compliment studies
make library list
E-print out each days CW
R-print reading readiness sheets from donnayoung.org R is only three years old, but she so dearly wants to learn to read & write! we keep her happy with her own sheets to 'write' on & her own 'reading lesson' - reading from her story bible with mummy!
Lift out sandpaper letter
Kumon sheets
Plan phonics rule (trick) or family to introduce
Read up in ABC’s & All Their Tricks
Any sight words to introduce?
Choose easy readers/living books
Prep games/activities/road blocks for E & R
Lift sandpaper letter for R
Review goals sheets
choose topics of study for the month.
Read up on topics
List games, prep sheets, pull Kumon books etc
Choose math stories & games
Memory work for circle time?
Science / Nature Study
Review goals sheets
+Plan from ‘spine’
+Work from unit study plan.
Look up current topic, area of interest in ‘keeping a nature journal’
Look up intro pages in HBNS on current topic
Read intro to topic
Read the small section that pertain to that object or creature.
Write in the book as you go along to highlight the information that I want to share with E & R.
Take a few minutes and share those points and then help E & R make a nature journal entry using those points.
If you want to make a more in depth study, turn to the end of the section and use the suggested activities or just pick out one or two items to try.
Go through personal library and check for reference items on the subject of the study.
When you come indoors from your nature time, pull it out and turn to the index to see if something you saw that day is covered in the book.
Memory work for circle time?
Artist Study
Look on list for next artist
Look up art activity in ‘discovering the great artists’
Choose prints to study (inc one suitable for above activity)
Order books
Choose 5-6 pertinent facts
Print off any needed artwork
Pick up any supplies needed
Plan ‘artist tea’s’
Composer Study
look on list for next composer
order CD
download to MAC
Make playlist
Check if included in ‘spiritual lives’
Order any needed books
Write up pieces chosen
1 comment:
Wow, Lynn, that's a lot to do! I thought my list was long, lol! I, too, am a big list-keeper. I have a list of daily, weekly, and monthly planning things I have to do. I suppose my list will grow as I add subjects; we're only doing reading, crafts, and nature study right now. I really like your blog, I need to have a more in-depth look-around. :)
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