Well, after a couple of days of gastroenteritis, I ended up being admitted to A&E which resulted in an operation. I had an abcess at the base of my spine, so all sitting, walking, moving is acutely painful.
I was blessed to have a private room, which had a window, but i missed the fresh air & the view of my garden, back at home.
On Monday evening, my girls came to visit me, complete with a gift of some reeds they had collected on their nature walk that day.The next day, I set to work with coloured pencils & paint, to capture them in my own nature journal.
What a wonderful gift they are..the sketch took me a good hour to complete.It really took my mind off the pain, & how much I was missing my family. Working on the sketch helped me to conect with them, somehow & with God, His goodness, provision & creativity.
Here is the entry from my nature journal for that day. I am sharing it, as an encouragent, that where ever we are, we can always find something from God's creation to study...We can look down & see the ants scurry between the cracks in the pavement, we can look up & see the clouds that drift across the sky. In my case, I had four little hands bring to me reeds, as if they were precious jewels.
At this point, I would like to thank Barb for her brilliant & encouraging blog Handbook of Nature Study. What encouragement this blog has been to so many home schooling mums. Thank you Barb, for helping me see the beauty of God's creation all around, even in the clouds outside my hospital window.Another big thank you to my encouraging nature study buddy, Melissa, who is such an inspiration on a practical 'get out there' level, to our nature study. Read this post of Melissa's which is guarenteed to get you outdoors.Her love of nature is contagious!
A huge thank you to both ladies.
Please remember, though, that i share with you my page, in the hope that you will remember that I am a 'beginner' in the study of art & nature(so dont expect a great work of art!) probably, just as you yourself are.

You have inspired me today. Thank you for sharing your gift and your thoughts. They mean so much to me.
You are very welcome and I am so grateful for the internet and its ability to make us all connected not only in thoughts but in faith.
I hope you recover quickly and are back out in the fresh air.
Email me anytime.
Barb-Harmony Art Mom
I am horrified to discover how ill you have been. I hope you are pain free quickly.
I am inspired by your ability to see the silver lining where I would have only seen the clouds. Your faith is a great witness to others.
My nature journal is not nearly as artistic as yours...
Barb & Jeanne, thankyou for your kid comments, that means a lot to me.
Hi Lynn
What a beautiful sketch, and a lovely gift for the girls to bring you. I hope you are much recovered and back home now. Thinking of you. Lisa (Storm & Beck) xxx
So sorry that you are ill.
It seems that your journal entry was theraputic! I think drawing is
so very calming. Wish you well.
Hi Lynn!
You too are a wonderful inspiration! Thank you for your kind words.
I'm praying that you have recovered and are feeling MUCH better.
By the way, your journal entry is absolutely beautiful!
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